
Relationships are the building block of the Christian life.

The ministries of Goldston Methodist Church are all about relationship-building. Scroll through the highlights below and see where you can fit. There is a place for everyone in Jesus’ kingdom!

Music Ministries

Since the scriptures say, “Sing to the Lord!” over and over, we take that instruction to heart!

The Chancel Choir sings in Sunday worship services, and uses a variety of styles and approaches. Led by Beth Little, the choir meets on Sunday mornings and afternoons.

Instrumental music is performed by several musicians throughout the year. Violin and piano are regularly featured, but all instrumentalists are welcomed to participate in offering musical offerings.

Children and Youth Ministries

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 19:14)

Many have said that “children are the future of the church,” but we consider children to BE a core part of the church RIGHT NOW! This is evidenced by the importance we place on children being engaged in every part of the church’s life together - in worship, service, learning and more.

We welcome children to remain in worship beginning in first grade. Even though they may not understand everything that’s going on, they are observing and absorbing what it means to be in God’s presence. Younger children are welcome to either remain in the service or to participate in children’s church upon the completion of the Children’s Moment during worship.

Children’s Moment is so central to our services that it is ALWAYS part of the worship experience even when we have other elements that may be switched out from week to week, including services of Holy Communion. Pastor Kerry or another caring member of the congregation help children to connect with God’s love through an interactive time together. (And in all honesty, the adults love this time as much - or more - as the kids!)

Sunday School is offered by different age levels so that children can engage with faith and service appropriate to their abilities.

  • Preschool

  • Early Elementary

  • Older Elementary

  • Youth

  • College

Vacation Bible School brings a fun, multi-sensory engagement with the great truths of the Bible. Held in the evenings in July, kids learn songs, play games, engage with Bible stories and build great relationships with each other and their adult leaders.

Adult Ministries

There are a tremendous number of opportunities to engage with one another at Goldston Methodist!

  • Sunday School -

    • Young Families class - led by Danny Oldham. This group consists mostly of married couples in their 20s-30s with young children (birth through age 10) and meets in the Parlor.

    • Fellowship class - led by a team of teachers on rotation. This group has middle-aged singles and couples in their 30s+ and meets in the Fellowship Hall.

  • Goldston Men’s Ministries meets for breakfast at 8am on the first Sunday of the month. They also do work projects and repairs for the church and community. Every August they host a Golf Tournament to help fund mission work both locally and around the world.

  • Goldston Women’s Ministries meets for breakfast at 8:30am on the third Sunday of the month. They also contribute to many other activities in the church and community, including the prayer shawl ministry, Seniors (older adult) dinners, and help fund mission work locally and around the world.

  • Goldston Community Garden is actually a family ministry for all ages. Located behind the church building, the community garden is formed in the shape of a cross and a wide variety of plants are grown each season. Saturday mornings and Wednesday evenings are when the garden is worked most often. Anyone is welcome to assist with the gardening, as well as to enjoy the harvest!